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October 31, 2022

Election Communications Plan (Part One)

This is the first part of a two-part, 60-day plan. Part One covers E-60 through E-31, while Part Two covers E-30 through after Election Day.

As election officials throughout the United States prepare for upcoming election cycles, effective communications materials remain one of their biggest collective needs. In response to this, The Elections Group developed a 60-day communications plan template that offices and officials can use to begin to fill that need.

The plan includes guidance and templates for social media, media advisories, press releases, and public service announcements (PSAs). Creating and posting consistent, accurate and informative content will help election officials build trust and establish themselves as the trusted source of information.

The information and templates found in this document are meant to serve as draft guidance for any jurisdiction-specific plan. Jurisdictions can tailor this plan in accordance with any local or state-specific laws, rules and regulations.



Get Help from The Elections Group

The Elections Group is providing tailored communications assistance to election officials free of charge or at low cost through its Communications Resource Desk. Available support includes guidance on writing effective press releases, working with the media, writing guest columns and developing a crisis communications plan. Templates for posters, handouts and social media graphics explaining the elections process are also available to download or request for customization.



Messaging Overview

The plan includes posting schedules and templates for the following:

  • Public Service Announcements

  • Social Media Posts 

  • Press Releases and Media Advisories

Documents are available as InDesign (.indd) and PowerPoint (.pptx) files – though only the PowerPoint (.pptx) files can be directly downloaded through this page. All image files can be downloaded using the link below – or as sets for each week provided in the plan. Request InDesign (.indd) files by clicking here.

Instructions on how to save PowerPoint (.pptx) slides as an image file are available here.



Week 1

Social Media

Election Day is just 60 days away! Ensure that you are #ElectionReady by visiting [WEBSITE] to make sure your [STATE] voter registration is up to date!


Sep. 11 is Patriot Day and National Day of Service and Remembrance in honor of the individuals who lost their lives on September 11, 2001.



Press Release/Media Advisory



Public Service Announcement

Hi, my name is [NAME], and I am the [TITLE] in [JURISDICTION NAME]. My office is working diligently to ensure that the upcoming general election is run with integrity, transparently, and securely, but we need your help.

You can take two steps today to prepare for a positive voting experience.

  • Step 1: Register to vote. If you are already registered to vote, confirm that your voter registration record has your most updated address on file. This will ensure you receive the correct ballot at the correct address.

  • Step 2: Make a voting plan. Voters may request a vote-by-mail ballot to vote from the convenience and safety of their home or vote in person. If you are planning to vote in person, you can avoid lines by taking advantage of early voting options.

To learn more, please visit [WEBSITE] for additional information. My team and I are here and ready to help you cast your ballot.


Video Visuals

  • Video of chief elections official speaking to camera

  • Shot of two family members help each other fill out a paper registration form

  • Shot of a family member with checklist, confirming they registered to vote and made a voting plan





Week 2

Social Media

Poll Workers Protect Democracy

Missed #HelpAmericaVote Day? You’re in luck b/c the [ELECTIONS OFFICE] is still recruiting [poll workers/election judges/volunteers] to serve.

Learn more or to apply at [WEBSITE]


🚨 Attention active military service members and U.S. citizens living abroad 🚨

It’s time to check your voter registration ahead of Election Day.

Don’t wait, visit [WEBSITE] today!


[ELECTION WORKER NAME] is a [TITLE] and has worked at the [ELECTIONS OFFICE] for [#] years. [ELECTION WORKER NAME] enjoys helping voters because it means helping neighbors and friends make sure their voices are heard. We are proud to have [ELECTION WORKER NAME] on our team!



Press Release/Media Advisory




Week 3

Social Media

🎉 Happy National Voter Registration Day! 🎉 Did you know there are [NUMBER] registered voters in [COUNTY NAME] County?

Make sure you’re on the list! To register to vote or check your voter registration, visit [WEBSITE]

#NationalVoterRegistrationDay #ElectionReady


[ELECTION WORKER NAME] is a [TITLE] and has worked at the [ELECTIONS OFFICE] for [#] years. [ELECTION WORKER NAME] takes pride in supporting the behind-the-scenes work to ensure voters have a positive voting experience. We are proud to have [ELECTION WORKER NAME] on our team.


🌎📫 #DYK ballots are sent to military and overseas voters 45 days before Election Day?

Are you a UOCAVA voter and wondering if you’re getting a ballot? Call our office at [phone number] or send us an email at [email address] for additional information.



Press Release/Media Advisory



Public Service Announcement

Happy National Voter Registration Day! Did you know that there are [NUMBER] of registered voters in [JURISDICTION] County?

If you are an eligible voter who plans on voting in the [Month] [day], [year] [Election Name] Election but have not registered yet, don’t delay!

You are an eligible voter if you meet the following requirements:

  • U.S. citizen and resident of [JURISDICTION]

  • [list requirements here]

Registering to vote is now easier than ever! You can register to vote online, by mail, or in person. For further assistance, please visit [WEBSITE] or call [NUMBER] for additional information. The [ELECTIONS OFFICE] is here and ready to help you register to vote and make your voice heard in the upcoming election.


Video Visuals

  • Shot of family helping each other register to vote

  • Screen showing list of voter eligibility requirements

  • Shot of an individual completing online voter registration

  • Close up shot of voter registration completed webpage

  • Screen showing website and phone number for voters needing additional assistance





Week 4

Social Media

📨📨📨 MAIL ALERT 📨📨📨

State and County Voter Information Guides are being mailed out! These Guides provide nonpartisan election information and voting options. Guides are available online at [WEBSITE].



The [ELECTIONS OFFICE] is recruiting volunteers to work as poll workers.

Make a difference in your community and protect democracy by helping voters cast a ballot! Learn more and apply at [WEBSITE]



Press Release/Media Advisory




Week 5

Social Media

The voter registration deadline for the [YEAR] [Election Name] Election is [DATE].

Already registered? Make sure your voter registration is up-to-date at [WEBSITE].


[ELECTION WORKER NAME] is a [TITLE] and has worked at the [ELECTIONS OFFICE] for [#] years. [ELECTION WORKER NAME]’s passion for helping voters understand how easy and secure it is to vote and why voting matters. We are proud to have [ELECTION WORKER NAME] on our team!


🗳 Voting Season is Almost Here 🗳

Did you know voters have several voting options in [JURISDICTION] County?

1️⃣Vote-by-mail: return it by mail or drop it off at a ballot drop box

2️⃣Early voting, [dates]

3️⃣Polling place voting on Election Day, [Month], [day]

Visit [WEBSITE] to learn more about your voting options!



Public Service Announcement

Looking for a way to serve the community? Poll workers are needed for the upcoming election! We need volunteers to set up and prepare the polling location, welcome voters, verify voter registrations, and more! Poll workers also help ensure voters understand the voting process by demonstrating how to use voting equipment and explaining voting procedures.

Poll workers are dedicated volunteers who care about helping voters cast a ballot to serve as poll workers in the upcoming election.

Sign up to serve by visiting [WEBSITE]. For any questions, please call[NUMBER].

Thank you to all past, current, and future poll workers for your dedication and commitment to service!


Video Visuals

  • Shot of poll worker at poll worker training setting up equipment

  • Shot of poll worker helping a voter check in at a polling place

  • Shot of a larger scene inside a polling place with voters checking in, casting a ballot, etc.

  • You can sign up to volunteer online at [WEBSITE]. For any questions, please call [NUMBER]



Get Help from The Elections Group

Have an idea for a communications tool your jurisdiction could use? The Elections Group is available to provide tailored assistance and guidance through its Communications Resource Desk. Contact us to request assistance.